Well, we did it.......
Today was the day. Actually, it didn't start out that way. I've been saying all week that Pixie is ready to ride, she is ready to ride. But the farrier is not able to come out until early next week, and I really did not want to wait that long to begin with Pixie under saddle. So this evening I headed down to do my usual evening routine: feed ponies, then cats, then goats, then pony in the far field, and then return to work with Pixie. I got out all my grooming accessories and my long-lining tack, caught Pixie (which has turned into a LOVELY game btw... need to research methods of catching a filly who delights in making you chase her for about five minutes, and then decides 'Okay, it's MY idea now, this sounds good' and walks right up to you very nonchalantly), and started work. I got Pixie all groomed up and Travis helped me. We got to talking about my game plan for Pixie, and I said, "Yeah, I think I'll ride her tomorrow or Saturday..." And he replied, "Why not tonight?" Well, why not tonight?
So, we did it tonight. I saddled Pixie up and spent about twenty minutes practicing getting on, laying over, and standing (on the arena gate) over Pixie's back. She's so smart, so after a few minutes of this her face literally said, "What the crap, this is nothing to stress over". Obviously, she was ready to ride. I got on her back with Travis working as my handler (and my mother taking pictures on her phone, LOL--which I'll get from her tomorrow and upload). He walked with us for a minute, but she did WONDERFUL and we were soon off the leadline and on our own. Primarily, we just walked around the arena at a very relaxed pace. I let her feel my weight move in the saddle as well as my legs at her sides. She did quite well-- we even trotted around half of the arena. She was unsure about moving forward very fast (which is TOTALLY preferable to the other extreme hahaha), so this trot was more of our long-lining "jog" pace, but I wasn't going to ask for more speed today. After about 15 minutes of riding time, I called it a successful day and dismounted.
I'm pretty darn impressed with Pixie. No funny business, no fussing, no nothing- she took today like a champ!!