Our farm is located next to the city park here, and it is now officially soccer season. I do not believe Pixie has had much previous experience with soccer (correct me if I am wrong Kiersten), and neither has Mac, the yearling, as I had not had him in such close proximity to the park before (something about nibbly foals and tiny kids makes me nervous... call me crazy). Yesterday evening kicked off soccer practice, and let me tell you-- Mac and Pixie want to join the team!! Everytime the ball would go flying, so would they. Tails up flagging in the air, the two of them would run and stomp and snort back and forth as the ball traveled the field. Needless to say, I had to wait to feed... there was no stopping soccer practice in the horse field!
Pixie and Mac have become fast friends, which is good. And my old retiree who also lives in their field is all to happy to finally be at the top of the totem pole. I'm planning on doing some extra work with Pixie this week (spring break woohoo)... so maybe I'll get time to take some good pictures for you Kiersten! For now, here's two I took with my cell phone...

Finally deciding that it was okay to just spectate and snack, Pixie enjoyed her dinner
while "coaching" from the sidelines ;-)

She and Mac are good buds... even sharing hay
Edited to add: Pixie has finally decided to gain weight like I want her to! She'll be a fatty like the others in no time. Size wise she has grown nearly a half inch... I had thought she was a smallish filly before she arrived, but she may top 16 hands yet.