We are wearing a saddle!!! Along with ground-driving well (now that I've finally found a couple of bits that fit her mouth correctly... had to buy them in Shelbyville!), tonight we added to Pixie's resume by adding "will wear saddle". If I had not been seeing it myself, I never would have believed how easily it went. She let me saddle her up like an old pro. I had expected at least a little bit of attitude, since she has developed into quite a little diva, but I could not have asked her to be any better. Unfortunately, I do not have a saddle with rings large enough to fit my long lines through them, so I attached a loose/stretchy pair of side reins to the saddle and off she went. I let her jog around in the arena for about fifteen minutes or so, and then I untied the stirrups and let them flop at her sides. Pixie handled it like a pro, even when her little yearling neighbor over the fence decided to try to take bites at her and her "back appendage" as she went by... I even acted like I was going to mount up and added weight to both stirrups--she was picture perfect.
She did NOT, however, want me to put the fly mask on... of course, it was most likely a new experience--probley NOT as many flies in NY!! But she quickly got over it and it became old news...